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Private Middle East Hospital 1998-1999
Reserve Officer at Eskişehir Air Hospital 1999-2000
Central Hospital 2000-2001
Sarigazi Sistem Medical Center 2001-2002
Delta Hospital Küçükyalı- 2002


Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gynecology
Medical Interests and Specialties:
– In August 1993, I graduated from Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 11th with excellent degree.
I won the 1993 September TUS exam with a degree and following this, I started my specialization training in Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Obstetrics. I was closely interested in Gynecological Oncology. I worked in the gynecological oncology service for 1 year. During my residency training, I prepared seminars on the topics of “Pathogenesis in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, “Embroidery Reduction in Multiple Pregnancy”, “Borderline Ovarian Tumors”, “Preimplantation Genetics”. I prepared my thesis titled “Maternal mortality and morbidity in HELLP syndrome” in the perinatology service and worked with high-risk pregnant women in the obstetric intensive care unit during this period. Since 1998, I have continued my professional life. During the time I worked as a specialist, I was intensely interested in the field of PERINATOLOGY. I closely followed congresses and certificate programs on high-risk pregnancy follow-up and prenatal diagnosis. Since 2004, with the establishment of the neonatal intensive care unit and adult intensive care unit in the hospital where I work, my competence in this field has become visible to our patients and surrounding hospitals.
– Since 2005, I have focused on four-dimensional ultrasonography studies and prenatal diagnosis. My fetal echocardiography studies gained intensity during these years. Fetal Echocardiography at the Royal Brompton Hospital, London, May 2008
I completed my training on “Effective Prenatal Screenining of Congenital Heart Disease” under the direction of Dr Julene Carvallo in her unit. In the same period, I attended Prenatal Diagnosis Unit practices with Prof Dr Kypros Nicolaides at King’s College Hospital. King’s College
I accompanied Prof Lindsay Allan and Dr Vita Zidare to Fetal Echocardiography practices in Fetal Cardiology Unit Studies. While closely following the meetings and trainings on Fetal Echocardiography in Turkey, he regularly attends the Istanbul Faculty of Medicine.
I continued to attend the Thursday councils jointly organized by the Pediatric Cardiology Department and the Perinatology Department. In these meetings, I participated in the scientific discussions of the cases we followed with Prof Dr Rukiye Eker Ömeroğlu, Prof Dr Atıl Yüksel and Prof Dr Recep Hos.

Administrative Duties:
Affiliated associations and organizations:

1. Istanbul Medical Chamber
2. Turkish Society of Gynecology
3. Istanbul Gynecology Association
4. Perinatal Medicine Association
5. Society of Obstetric Ultrasonography
6. Urogynecology Association
7. Kabataş People’s Association
8. Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society

Vocational Trainings Attended:

7th Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society National Congress 26-29 September 2010 Hilton Congress Center ISTANBUL
– 7th National Congress of Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society- Fetal Heart Screening Course Course Director Prof Dr Recep Has 26 September 2010 Hilton congress Center İSTANBUL
– 7th Obstetrics and Ultrasonography Congress 27-31 October 2010 Harbiye Military Museum and Cultural Site ISTANBUL
– 7th Obstetrics and Ultrasonography congress- Fetal Echocardiography Course –Prof.Dr. Lindsay Allan, Prof Dr Ömer Klavuz Berlin-Germany 27-31 October 2010 Harbiye Military Museum and Cultural Site ISTANBUL
– Ian Donald Inter University School of Medical Ultrasound Directors A. Kurjak, C.Sen M.Yayla 5-6 December 2009 Harbiye Military Museum Istanbul-TURKEY
– Europan School of Perinatal Medicine FETAL GROWTH 3-4 December 2009 Harbiye Military Museum istanbul TURKEY
– 2nd reproductive medicine society congress Gloria Golf Resort Hotel Antalya October 2009
– Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Association Marmara working group FETAL HEART SCREENING COURSE 22 May 2009 Istanbul Faculty of Medicine ODVIM hall ISTANBUL
– Acıbadem Maslak Hospital Perinatology Days “Current Approach in Multiple Pregnancies” Prof. Richard Berkowitz, Prof. Mary D’Alton April 26, 2009 Maslak Istanbul
– Kadıköy Şifa Women’s Health Panels 5 “Problems and current approaches in perinatology” 26 November 2008 Faruk Ilgaz Facilities Fenerbahçe İSTANBUL
– Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society 6th national congress 29 October-02 November 2008 Belek-Antalya, Turkey
– Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society 6th national congress FETAL ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY COURSE 29 October-02 November 2008 Belek- Antalya, Turkey
– XXI. European Congress of Perinatal Medicine Istanbul , Turkey September 10-13, 2008
– XXI. European Congress of Perinatal Medicine Istanbul , Fetal Cardiology , Course Director; J. Carvalho, C. Sen Turkey September 10-13, 2008
– The Institute for Advanced Medical Education Certifies FETAL ECHOCARDİOGRAPH August 17, 2008 Course Director ,IAME, Irwin Kuperberg
– XXI. European Congress of Perinatal Medicine Istanbul , FMF FIRST TRIMESTR SCANNING COURSE, Course Director; Kypros Nicolaides, C. Sen Turkey September 10-13, 2008
– Effective Prenatal screeninng of congenital Haeart Disease, Royal Brompton Hospital London, 29,30,31 May 2008
– King’s College Hospital london, Harris Birthright Research Center for Fetal Medicine, May-June 2008
– II. Gynecological endoscopy congress Advanced laparoscopy course Laparoscopic Hysterectomy and pelvic floor surgery 4-7 April 2007 Çeşme -İzmir
– V. International Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 16-19 May 2006 Antalya Kervansaray
– Urinary inconitinas Mininimal Invasive Surgery Course TVT TOT applications Certification-Zeynep Kamil Hospital and Urogynecolgy Association Istanbul-2005
– Acıbadem Hospital Health Professionals Training-High Risk Pregnancy Management and Clinical Practices Program -Istanbul June 2005
– IV.National Maternal Medicine and Perinatology Congress, 22-24 November 2004, Istanbul
– IV. Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasonography Congress, 6-9 October 2004, Istanbul
– IV.National Maternal Medicine and Perinatology Congress “Obstetric Ultrasonography Course” 21 November 2004, Istanbul
– Ian Donald Inter University School of Medical Ultrasound Directors A. Kurjak, F Chervenak 5-7
December 2003 Istanbul-TURKEY
– II. Obstetric Ultrasonography and Fetal Imaging Course 12-14 December 2002 Military Museum Culture site Harbiye, Istanbul
– III. National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress, 13-16 September 2001, Istanbul
– Advanced Course of Perinatal Ultrasound, 16-18 November, 2001 Istanbul -Turkey
– VII. National Gynecological Oncology Congress, 23-27 September 2000, Istanbul