The emergency department works 24 hours a day, with the same standard of service quality in Delta Hospital. Emergency, nursing, x-ray and laboratory services are provided in coordination with all other branch physicians.
- 7/24 Emergency Service
- Oral and Dental Health
- Anesthesia and Reanimation
- Nutrition and Diet
- Brain and Nerve Surgery
- Dermatology
- Pediatric Health and Diseases
- Internal Diseases
- Intensive Care Unit
- Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
- General Surgery
- Eye Health and Diseases
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Cardiology
- Ear,Nose and Throat
- Neurology
- Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Radiology
- Urology
- Neonatology
Personalized treatment is planned for patients of all age group in Oral and Dental Health Clinic.
With our experienced anesthesia team and successful anesthesia techniques which are applied in our hospital, it is ensured that our patients feels no pain during operations and they also don’t have any complaints after surgeries.
Nutrition and Diet Department of Delta Hospital services based on the target of creating awareness of healthy diet and healthy life in accordance with scientific data.
Brain surgery; is a branch of medicine that deals with diseases requiring brain, nerve and spinal cord operations.
Dermatology Department of Delta Hospital offers healthcare services using technoLogical methods in diagnosis and treatment of diseases occurring on skin, hair, nails and genital skin by doctors with expertise in relevant field.
The Pediatrics Department of tDelta Hospital offers safe healthcare service to your chiLdren. In our pediatric outpatient clinics, the health and vaccines of children and infants are supervised.
Internal diseases department deals with early and final diagnosis of diseases through detailed physical examination, all investigations, laboratory tests , radiology studies,endoscopic tests and if its required, ECG and echocardiography.
Delta Hospital is at your service with the physicians specialized in Aesthetic,Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
In this department contemporary rehabilitation techniques are performed to increase independent mobility potential, alleviate pain and ensure maximum mobility.
General Surgery is a discipline which focuses on many systematic or local problems in the body, breast diseases, trauma and burns, and ensures the medical or surgical treatment of disorders occuring in these issues.
In our hospital , all operations in the area of general surgery are performed by a medical team consisting of experienced surgeons .
At Eye Diseases Departments of Delta Hospital, the first step of routine eye examination is to understand the patients’ complaints about their eye health. The OphthalmoLogy Departments of Fsm Health Group
is equipped with the best devices and it offers efficient, reliable and quality service
All traditional and modern treatments related to Obstetrics and Gynecology are realized in Delta Hospital. Delta Hospital gynecology and obstetrics department provides 24-hour service.
Heart disease is one of the major health problems in the world and in our country. In our Cardiology Department, in addition to polyclinic service, diagnostic examinations are performed such as Echocardiography, Effort Test and ECG methods.
Ear-Nose-Throat surgery is performed successfully by our experienced specialists. Our operation romms are equipped with necessary surgical devices which contribute to comfort of the patient and a successful surgical process.
Neurology Clinic; aims to diagnose, monitor and treat central and peripheral nervous system structural and functional diseases.
In addition to the most common orthopedic diseases, treatment services are provided especially for structural disorders resulting from fractures and dislocations and their late consequences.
Radiology department diagnoses many diseases with the help of various medical devices.
In its Urology Departments, Delta Hospital provides high quality urologic examination, diagnosis and treatment services to patients with a dynamic medical staff who follows developments closely.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit provides necessary support for all babies requiring intensive care.